Saturday 13 November 2010

Beautiful Technology

Whilst researching, I found a book called 'Fashionable Technology' full of amazing designs all containing technology, I particularly liked a couple of the designers. Firstly, I really liked a fashion designer, Angel Chang. She collaborates with technologists to produce beautiful designs, which also have a subtle and practical element of technology to them, which are hidden, or only the wearer knows about, such as....

...this dress made up of heat sensitive fabric, which when heated, shows a map of Manhattan, and the city's best restaurant, bars etc, perfect for exploring New York.

This dress is another of her amazing designs, it has built in controls for an mp3 player, which are well camouflaged.

Choice of fabric is also important, such as this dress where Chang has used wrinkle free fabric.

The second designer I really liked was a company called Lost Values who do lots of fashion, technology combo's, but my favourites are these gorgeous vintage inspired fan and parasol. They have integrated solar panels which collect energy to power lights, they're so pretty, you wouldn't expect them to have hidden solar panels! 

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