Sunday 9 October 2011

Beautiful Branding: Margaret Howell

Margaret Howell's ad campaigns are gorgeous! I love how simple and natural they are, which gives them a timeless feel. I think it also makes them ageless and appealing to any age, anyone of these images could be replaced with an older man or woman and they would look just as amazing! My favourite image is the girl wearing the huge goggles, it looks like it was taken years ago, the hair is so wild and natural, something you will never see these days, I love that it doesn't look a fashion image, but just an image.

The simplicity and subtlety of these images is what makes them so effective. They are also so natural and clear of any fuss, the logo too is simple and is all you need over each image. They also have a timeless, even nostalgic feel and most importantly, they have a British rawness! After all Margaret Howell is British and has a great British history, I'm proud to say!

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