Saturday 8 October 2011

Moving Forward

After my research into other brands, I have decided that I would like to create my own story board and create a magazine to promote my brand.

The brand represents a confident, smart, working woman who is 35+ and is looking for something that represents quality and luxury. The clothes will be softly tailored and the brand will also offer a bepoke tailoring service. The brand will also have an accessories and possibly homeware's line which will also be promoted through the magazine.

I am not entirely sure what I want from the photoshoot yet, but I want it to have a touch of British. I want it to look quite natural too and not too posed, I think thats something that most middle aged women want to see, natural beauty. I would also like the magazine to incorporate a feature, maybe a design collaboration, or an inspirational story....

I have no name yet, so I will get to work on that!

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